Burlap Fabric.

Coloured Bourlap

Under the Fabric product line, the facility also prepares Dyed Jute, Bleached Burlap, Starch Burlap etc.

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Natural Jute Fabric

covers all types of natural jute fabric, burlap fabric starting from 3 oz to 12 oz, Jute-Cotton fabric of width ranges from 1 inch to 72 inches.

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It also offers printed jute fabric, as per your selected design and colours on it..

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Coloured Bourlap

Under the Fabric product line, the facility also prepares Dyed Jute, Bleached Burlap, Starch Burlap etc.

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Natural Jute Fabric

covers all types of natural jute fabric, burlap fabric starting from 3 oz to 12 oz, Jute-Cotton fabric of width ranges from 1 inch to 72 inches.

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It also offers printed jute fabric, as per your selected design and colours on it..

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